2009 Favorite Books I Read
1. Memoir from Antproof Case - Mark Helprin
2. The Unlikely Disciple: A
Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University - Kevin Roose
3. The Sacredness of
Questioning Everything - David Dark
4. A Million Miles in a
Thousand Years - Don Miller
5. The Pacific and Other
Stories - Mark Helprin
6. Dune - Frank Hebert
7. Return Policy - Michael
8. The Curious Incident of
the Dog in the Nighttime - Mark Haddon
9. Starfire
- Stuart Stockton
The Driver: My Dangerous Pursuit of Speed and Truth in the Outlaw
Racing World - Alexander Roy
2008 Favorite Books
1. So Young, Brave, and
Handsome - Leif Enger
2. Winter's Tale - Mark Helprin
3. Watchmen- Alan Moore and
Dave Gibbons
4. Cyndere's
Midnight - Jeffrey Overstreet
Acedia and Me: Marriage, Monks,
and a Writer's Life - Kathleen Norris
6. Fieldwork - Mischa Berlinski
7. Freddy and Frederika - Mark Helprin
8. My Name is Russell Fink
- Michael Snyder
9. Danny Gospel - David Athey
The Infinite Day - Chris Walley
2007 Favorite Books
1. Jonathan Strange and Mr.
Norrell, Susannah Clarke
2. Crazy '08, Cait Murphy
3. Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows, J,K. Rowling
4. A Confederacy of Dunces,
John Kennedy Toole
5. Auralia's
Colors, Jeffrey Overstreet
6. The Speed of Dark,
Elizabeth Moon
7. Trackers, Kathryn Mackel
8. The Fireberd
Trilogy, Kathy Tyres
9. The Legend of the Firefish, George Bryan Povlika
Fantasyland – Sam Walker
2006 Favorite
1. Cloud Atlas –
David Mitchell
2. A Canticle for Leibowitz – Walter Miller
3. The Sparrow –
Maria Doria Russell
4. Children of God –
Maria Doria Russell
5. Oxygen – Randall Ingermanson
6. The Fifth Man –
Randall Ingermanson
7. Double Vision –
Randall Ingermanson
8. Outriders –
Kathryn Mackel
9. That Hideous Strength
– C.S. Lewis
On Beauty – Zadie Smith
2005 Favorite Books
Gilead – Marilynne Robinson
EnderŐs Game – Orson
Scott Card
Peace Like a River – Lief Enger
Silence – Shusaku Endo
Three Nights in August
– Buzz Bisinger with Tony LaRussa
Harry Potter and the
Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling
This is Not Civilization
– Robert Rosenberg
Wise Blood – Flannery
Lost in Rooville
– Ray Blackston
10.I am Charlotte Simmons – Tom Wolfe
Top Books I Read in 2004
China Lake – John Dalton
Blankets – Craig Thompson
Drummer in the Dark – Davis Bunn
The Poisonwood Bible – Barbara
The Diamond Age – Neal Stephenson
The Dew Breaker – Elridge Dandicant
The Life of Pi – Yann Martel
A Delirous
Summer – Ray Blackston
Welcome to Fred – Brad
10. The Last Disciple - Sigmund Brouwer and Hank Hanegraaf
Favorite Books
I Read in 2003
1. The Amazing Adventures
of Kavalier and Clay – Michael Chabon
2. Good Omens – Neil Gaiman
and Terry Pratchett
3. Snow Crash – Neal
4. Winner Take All –
Davis Bunn
5. Fever Pitch – Nick
6. Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling
7. Flabbergasted
– Ray Blackston
8. Harry Potter and the
Order of the Phoenix – J.K Rowling
9. Blue Like Jazz –
Don Miller
10. The Encyclopedia of
Contemporary Christian Music – Mark Allan Powell
Books I Read in 2002
1. Peace Like a River
– Leif Enger
2. White Teeth – Zadie Smith
3. RomeyŐs
Place – James Schaap
4. Pastoralia
– George Saunders
5. The Ground Beneath Her
Feet – Salman Rushdie
6. Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban – J.K Rowling
7. The Great Divide - Davis Bunn
8. The Light Fantastic
– Terry Pratchett
9. Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets – J.K. Rowling
10. Portofino – Franky Schaeffer
Books I Read in 2001
1. The Lord of the Rings
trilogy – J.R.R Tolkien
2. The Hobbit – J.R.R
3. Foreign Bodies – Hwee Hwee Tan
4. The Mystic Rose –
Stephen Lawhead
5. Safely Home –
Randy Alcorn
6. The Color of Magic - Terry Pratchett
7. Harry Potter and the
SorcererŐ Stone – J.K Rowling
8. Ashes on the Wind
– John Fischer
Books I Read in 2000
1. Cryptonomicon
– Neal Stephenson
2. Edge of Eternity –
Randy Alcorn
3. Why the Cross Can Do
What Politics CanŐt – Erwin Lutzer
4. The Iron Lance –
Stephen Lawhead
5. The Doctrines that
Divide – Erwin Lutzer